Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts

Oct 26, 2020

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and Application Context in Spring Framework

 Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)

✔️ AOP complements OOP by providing another way of thinking about program structure. 

✔️ The key unit of modularity in OOP is the class.

✔️ In AOP the unit of modularity is the aspect (piece/portion/module)

✔️ Aspects enable the modularization of concerns such as transaction management that cut across multiple types and objects, such concerns are often termed crosscutting concerns in AOP

✔️ Breaking down program logic into distinct parts called so-called concerns in AOP.

✔️ The functions that span multiple points of an app are called cross-cutting concerns.

✔️ These cross-cutting concerns are conceptually separate from the application's business logic.

✔️ There are various common good examples of aspects like logging, auditing, declarative transactions, security, and caching etc.

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Modules of Spring Framework and Inversion of Control (IoC)

Dependency Injection  (IoC)

✔️ Objects can be added and tested independently of other objects.

✔️ Because they don't depend on anything other than what you pass them. 

✔️ To test an object you have to create an environment where all of its dependencies exist and are reachable before you can test it.

✔️ With DI, it's possible to test the object in isolation passing it mock objects for the ones you don't want or need to create. 

✔️ Likewise, adding a class to a project is facilitated because the class is self-contained.

✔️ DI frameworks are often driven by XML files that help specify what to pass to whom and when.

✔️ IoC describes that a dependency injection needs to be done by an external entity instead of creating the dependencies by component itself. 

✔️ Dependency injection is a process of injecting (pushing) the dependencies into an object

Oct 23, 2020

Tight Coupling and Loose Coupling in Spring Framework

Tight coupling

✔️ In general, Tight coupling means the two classes often change together. ✔️ In other words, if A knows more than it should about the way in which B was implemented, then A and B are tightly coupled. Loose coupling : ✔️ In simple words, loose coupling means they are mostly independent. If the only knowledge that class A has about class B, is what class B has exposed through its interface, then class A and class B are said to be loosely coupled. ✔️ In order to over come from the problems of tight coupling between objects, spring framework uses dependency injection mechanism with the help of POJO/POJI model and through dependency injection its possible to achieve loose coupling.

Oct 22, 2020

Architecture of Spring Framework


Advantages ✔️ Predefined Templates ✔️ Loose Coupling ✔️ Easy to test ✔️ Lightweight ✔️ Fast Development ✔️ Powerful abstraction Architecture of Spring Framework and Spring modules group ✔️ Test ✔️ Core Container ✔️ AOP, Aspects, Instrumentation ✔️ Data Access / Integration ✔️ Web (MVC / Remote)

Introduction to Spring Framework

 ✔️ First version of Spring was written by Rod Johnson, released on February 2003.

✔️ It has become popular in the Java community as an addition to, or even ✔️ replacement for the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) model. ✔️ Spring is a lightweight framework. ✔️ It can be thought of as a framework of frameworks because it provides support to various frameworks such as Struts, Hibernate, Tapestry, EJB, JSF etc. ✔️ In broader sense, it can be defined as a structure where we find solution of the various technical problems. Follow me @

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